Contention Chat

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3 responses to “Contention Chat”

  1. Anonymous9101/15/20242:37 PM
    Jay106 min. ago
    Contention and vibes regarding RTVA. Lucy is very upset regarding an incident form 1.5 months ago (about 6 weeks ago). where she was told that she had not completed the priorities updating and that Ateh did it for her. Lucy was very upset with how jay communciated to her regarding improving for future RTVA sessions. THerefoer lucy decided to never take on any RTVA shifts and still refuses to take on any more RTVA shifts, and we are heading towards 85% pay stop on RTVA in a few days. THis is a major problem for the entire team. Lucy is stating that she feels there is no contention. Myself and ateh agree there is obviously contention that needs to be addressed regarding this issue. treat people
    feel better
    not communicating well
    let me be silent Possibly in teh fture it will be important to NOT do work for others, but at the same time it is fine and good to do RTVA Shift together as a team. More than one person can sign up for an RTVA Shift.
    Jay106 min. ago
    I only consider what is verifiable. You did not take a shift, you still are not, therefor you are not taking a shift, and said you would not. So I don’t care what was said all that needs to be verified is the action. If you choose to take on a RTVA shift your actions speak for you and are veritable. What is said is not verifiable.
    Jay1013 sec. ago
    I choose work above all else within the organization, because without work, then we have no money and without money and resources there is only contention and war. If there is an issue and continuing, just ignoring the issue for peace never resolved it. Peace is meaningless if it does not stand for anything, we need to work through our issues as a team otherwise the peace is fake and not real.

  2. Joyce, I can’t stop thinking about what you said regarding me. On so oily no one on the tram is going to come to my defense since everyone is against me right now so I have to defend myself. For me all that is applicable is the organization. We should not be judging indivuals based on their personal likability and your personal feelings towards them. This is a profeshonal orgsnization and evaluation should be based on profeshonsl conduct not personal opinion regarding liability. I can’t understand how basically you say that I am worse than Alberto and Alberto was on 2 seperate probations with dozens of issues and expectations he never even tried to complete. He did discrimination and death threats and harassment. And I am worse than that. You give no reasoning, you say you don’t know what Indid, you say you don’t know why, for me that is unaceptsble and unprofeshonsl and feels like a direct attack on me because you say that you fear me, yet have no reason why.

    I fear Alberto because he liwterslly tells me that he is going to escalate with me and do direct energetic attacks. He also directly theqtendd our woekers before so if he is escalating with me that is serious. I fear Alberto because he said over and over again that he would sue me and our organizations which would destroy us, I fear Alberto and his family because they all said they were goi KD to come for me to get all the money that I did not give back of Alberto’s and that they said I fraudulently stole even though we had contract. I fear Alberto because he says over and over again he will show up at my front door without understand why he would come and what that would mean. You say I am worse than all of that. And you give no reason and no examples. So for me I feel you are being very unprofeshonsl and that @VIBES because I feel like it makes things worse when you tell somone that they are worse than somone else and give no reason amd no way to fix it. Let’s figure it out.

  3. Joyce — Today at 10:11 AM
    @Jay you can go back to the recording, I did not say you are worse than Alberto. I said, I DO NOT fear Alberto, I fear you more, when you are getting angry. That’s exactly what I said! And I prefer that I respect you not fear you.
    Jay — Today at 1:40 PM
    Yes exactly. You fear me worse than alberto. I can’t not understand that as I am worse than alberot. That is what I hear. The problem is that you have no reason or understanding why. Which makes it extreamily personal. You are basically saying that I am a huge problem, that I am worse than someone I fear and have had massive problems with in the organization, and that there is NOTHING I can do about it. You say you don’t know why and you don’t know what I did. Which means that you just personally don’t like me. Which is fine, but we are not here to give our opinon about how we personal like and don’t like each other. We are here to work.
    @Worker I would like to request that we schedule as soon as possible to prioritize this issue, as it is effecting my work for 2 days now. So my request to to immediatly schedule a contentious session with Joyce to get better understandig about what this is. Cause I want to focus on work. I would never tell someone I don’t like them personal with no way to improve. We are in a place of work, profeshoanl work, and it seems that this is not in aligmet with profeshonal work. If joyce is NOT able to meet with me, then maybe she could meet with someoen else on the team. @Worker to try to get a better understand of what is going on and why Joyce is saying this to me, now multiple times. I do not understand and do NOT see how it relates to our work beause it is just a general statment of my personality that she obviously don’t like. I have othign against joyce, but I feel like I am being personally attacked with no way to improve or address the situation and no way to get focused on the work in relationship to these statements.
    Sandy — Today at 1:48 PM
    Am seriously sad in how everything is going oo.. how I hate misunderstanding. @Jay you are actually a very good person . I think we all need to understand each other properly.. please love lead.. I apologize generally..
    Jay — Today at 1:49 PM
    Our values are Profeshonal Deliverables Driven Work and Accountabiltiy to the Work. I do NOT see how this aligns with those values. I am requesting from Joyce to have clairty, and I feel like I am trying to get us focused on work by having clear informatio about what exactly what done, and what exactly needs to be improved, otherwise it is just personal. Joyce is empowered to share how improvements can be made. But if there are no imporivemets, then I don’t see any aligment with our values and our need for profeshonality and profeshoanl work. If anyone can just tell someone on our team that they are a huge problem and there is no reason, no understanding, and no cause, and no way to fix it, itwould just create open space for everyone to just be attacking each other and say what ever they want. It would destroy our entire team if everyone just told each other horrible thigns with nothing to verify. It is very concerning to me, not just for myself, but for our entire team and organization and basic integrety. THere has to be a litmit on what we allow, maybe this is beyond our profeshonal communications code of conduct?
    Jay — Today at 1:57 PM
    I have reviewed our Profeshonal communiations code and I feel like this type of language -Your fear brings is worse than alberto- (with no information justification reaosn or experience) is a potential violoations of our profeshonal commuicatios code because it is potentially “name calling & isults” as I am being singled out for no reason and being insulted as a ‘fear monger” with no reason and no example of what I did. Furthermore I would say it is potetially “Picking on someone” as it is singling me out and saying that I am a huge problem, with no potential solution or way to solve the problem, so it is just a dead end insult with no way to address it. And also could be a “Gossip or Rumer” as it is just a personal opinon that is not based on any observation nor experience. So therefore it is just a perosonal opinon about me as a person in general, just who I am. Obviously Joyce does’t like how I am, that is fine, but in a profeshoanl work environment, you don’t tell people that you don’t like them just to spite them and isult them. We are here to make imporovements and focus on work. If there is nothing to imrpove then it seems like a direct personla insult and is potentially against the profeshonal communicatios code. So I would like someone to review and to give theire undersatnding of this in relationship to the proefhsonal communicate code. Is this a violoation or is it ok to say these things as much as someone wants to?

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