Payroll Communications regarding Decision Maker

@Jay my current released pay on UpWork does not match what is indicated on the Single Payroll.

UpWork indicated “$17.68 pending” This is different from what is on the Single payroll.

Also, it was clear during the POPP that payment would cover UpWork charges. I have not seen that happening because the last time payment, I am the work who covered the charges
Is the organization too squeezed on funds to a point we can’t cover workers pay?
Jay — Today at 1:09 PM
The biggest problem is the client work income. It is the HR Board’s responsiblity to ensure that our workers are doing the client work, so it makes sense that hR Board pay would also go down if client work is not happening. SO lets figure that out. As far as your indivual pay, that is a major issue. WE will have to review again and verify your payments. WE can also do a reconciliation as well. The fastest way to fail is to pay people to not do work. So we need to find solutions that actually acomplish our deadlines and required work.
Jay — Today at 1:11 PM
It may be best to schedule a time to disscuss and go over this so I can make sure I am understanding everything correctly. For now I will prioritize this and ask for support to review and verify all calculations. And Just to be sure, you voted NO on the payroll. It is essenciall to always bring payroll issues up at the voting which is why we send out the vote, otherwsie it gets very messy later and no one cares because they already got paid, so it is very hard to get anyone to take it seriously becaues they simply don’t care since they themselves already got thier pay. WHen we address this at the correct time, when we are voting, then it holds up the actual payroll so everyone priortiizes it immeidatlly.
Here is the link to the vote: ⁠general⁠
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:13 PM
Thank you for the reply. You have not addressed my concern yet.
Jay — Today at 1:14 PM
I am still trying to undestand. So it says here that the vote was $23.96 and you only got $17.68??? Is that the issue?
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:14 PM
Jay — Today at 1:18 PM
Cool, I will review and verify the information on upwrok and get back to you when I can.
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:19 PM
Ok. Thanks
Jay — Today at 1:21 PM
@Ben_Writer#001 I think I know the issue. So the vote above is ONLY the BAse Equity payment. It is NOT upfront pay at all. THe Base Upfront Payroll has not been finelized and is very late. The team does NOT have the voting ready, and we have NOT run Base Upfront Payroll for 1º. So the last payment we did for you was 173º from 2 months ago. So the $17.68 is actually from a seperate self tracked time that you initiated yourself on upwork for $20 for 1 hour. So the reason it is less than $20 must be the fees.
@Ben_Writer#001 As far as fees go, we do remburmsents for fees you just have to submit your recipts and doccument or screen shots of the fees you pay to upwork or the bank, or transfer fees, or exchange fees, any fees you get that reduce your pay. Everyone is required to do that and send the recits to the team for remburmsent. It is NOT automatic as we don’t have the information for how much the fees are on your side. ONly you know that. Also a lot of people choose NOT to have their fees remburmed, each person decides for themsevles.
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:24 PM
So, 1º has not been paid yet?
That is very clear. …Then it appears we have work to set a workable paydate for everyone
Jay — Today at 1:25 PM
No the Base Equity payroll happens before Base Upfront. So Equity is just your overall value that is estimated in relationship to ownership and sepreate from base upfront.
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:25 PM
I Think it is hard to follow because payment date cannot be tracked perfectly
Allow me to point humbly point one thing out

You indicated that “And Just to be sure, you voted NO on the payroll”

What does that mean?

To me, it appear you are implying my pay has a problem because I was opposed to one of the budget proposals.

What does that signals in relations to the independence of decision makers?

This direction can affect the independence of decision markers
Jay — Today at 1:27 PM
I was not refering to the Budget. at all. You are NOT required to vote on the payroll proposals. But if you ever see an issue with the payroll, please be sure to vote no and tell us what is wrong. I think we are clear now that your concern is NOT with payroll at all, just with your won internal upwork automatic payment for the $20 that you initiated.
If we need to disscuss fruther you could jump on jisti and we can do a double team or something. I am with Lucy and Ouma on Unity NEt channel working on some client work taxes.
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:28 PM
That is a Humble observation. Take it kindly.

I think no body should be reminded they position during voting because no one should vote for their personal benefits.

I stand guided
Jay — Today at 1:30 PM
I do not know what this means. I apologize for any misscommunications, but again if someone has an isue with payroll, my expecation is that they voted no on the payroll propsal. That is always the best way to address it. again payroll proposals are NOt the budget. Obviously if someone misses an error in a payroll proposal they have a right to reconicliation and to review their payments in detail with the team. So we are happy to do that if you want. But I think in this case we can see that the payroll simply hasn’t been complted yet. We need to add to the resonsiblity training that we must infomrm decision makers of all payroll activity as well as workesr.
@Ben_Writer#001 Here was the last notification from @Lucy to the team regarding the upfront payroll: “@Worker This is the status for payroll. we are done with equity payroll
1º Base Upfront should get done by Feb 28/29 2024 Lucy, Nnamno focus on that and any person willing to step up is welcome
After 1º Payroll we will skip to payroll bonuses for 173w”
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:35 PM
Yes. @Jay Thanks

Yes. I noted it was my mistake because I update on UpWork at the expirely of One month. So, I believe they credited your account automatically.

Sorry about that.

I believe it will be corrected from your side when budget is completed
Jay — Today at 1:35 PM
@Ben_Writer#001 So that would be tomarrow. I would not be surprozed if payroll doesn’t happen tomarrow, but that was the plan last week. I will make sure we update the responsiblity training to make sure it includes updating the decion makers as well as the workers
Ben_Writer#001 — Today at 1:35 PM
Thank you Jay
Jay — Today at 1:35 PM
Yes we will make sure to add the $20 to pre-payments.
Jay — Today at 1:36 PM
no problem always good to make sure everything is as clear as possible. We are still in a dire situation with the organization, and need to figure out how to get work moving forward. Very concerning, but we are making a lot of progress.


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