Concerns Regarding Backpay Proposals Loophole

@HR Board So far this month we have $560 of proposals for backpay and an estimated $250 of income for the month. This is the 4th month in a row this has happened. I am not against backpay proposals, but we have a loop hole that is corruptible where workers can not do the client work, and then do backpay proposals without having to even address the fact that we do NOT have enough client work to cover the backpay payment, and so our only option to do these backpay payments is to take loans, but no loan disscussion is required and therefore backpay payments become emergency payments without having the funds from client work, and then gets pushed until a later time. So I have many proposal to address this loophold, and so far all have been turned down. The top two proposals would be to separate backpay payments from emergency payments, and to require umcus loan when backpay payments exceed income. I’m not sure how to get this addressed but tomarrow is a contentious session and will certainly bring it up.


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