We are how we Communicate.

The foundation of FQN is Publicly Searchable Transparent and Accountable Communications

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

Communication Categories

Our Communications are broken down into various categories to organize our online communications.

Getting Started

Not sure where to communicate or what you even are communicating about.

Support Alliance

Need support on anything, this is a good place to communicate.


All things Recruitment and Getting Involved.

Accountability & Oversight

Oversight by membership, ownership, shareholders, and proposals and decisions logging.


Communications organized by Session Frequency, focus, and Reminders.


Coordination and Management Communications including Tactle Operations and deadlines oversight.

Worker Communications

Not sure where to communicate or what you even are communicating about.

Executive Communications

Need support on anything, this is a good place to communicate.

Income Coordination

All things Recruitment and Getting Involved.

Professional Communications

Communicating effectively means being professional curious and collaborative. We are a public space, so anyone can join, therefore be prepared for bullies and issues to arise. Never assume, and always move towards scheduling a real-time session to work out details.

Worst Case Senario:

  • Use “@VIBES” to notify problematic communications
  • Try to address the issue in a real-time Session
  • Get support if you do not feel comfortable
Tourist taking photo of a building
Windows of a building in Nuremberg, Germany

Communication Policies:

  • Professional Communications CODE (link does not work yet)
  • Non-Agressive Behavior Policy (link doesn’t work yet)
  • Anti-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy (link doesn’t work yet)

FQN is multi-cultural, supports many world views, and builds parallel strategic models. Be courteous, be calm, and be patient. Working together across all these differences is never going to be easy, but is the ONLY way to find real lasting solutions for our society.

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Stay in the loop beyond just our Asynchronous Forum Communications, and get Session Updates.